Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Elegiac Couplets Explained

Elegiac Couplets Explained An elegiac couplet is a pair of sequential lines in poetry in which the first line is written in dactylic hexameter and the second line in dactylic pentameter. The Roman poet Ennius introduced the elegiac couplet to Latin poetry for themes less lofty than that of epic, for which dactylic hexameter was suited. The typical meter of an elegiac couplet can be represented as:  ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ x ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ |  ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ ˘ ˘ |  ¯ The first two lines of Ovids Amores I, which is written in elegiac couplets, can be scanned (a note on scansion in Latin poetry) as follows, where bolding marks the long syllables, the non-bold are short or anceps, dashes separate syllables, spaces separate words, and the ends of feet are marked by vertical lines: Ar-ma gra- | vÄ « nu-me- | rÃ…  vi-o- | len-ta-que | bel-la pa- | rÄ -bamÄ“-de-re, | mÄ -te-ri- | Ä  | con-ve-ni- | en-te mo- | dÄ «s.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Mandarin Chinese Names of North American Cities

Mandarin Chinese Names of North American Cities Mandarin Chinese has a relatively limited stock of phonetics compared with other languages. When it comes to translating Western geographical names into Chinese characters, a close phonetic match is attempted. Consideration must also be given to the meaning of the chosen Chinese characters. Most geographical names are chosen as phonetic approximations of the Western names, but a few place names are descriptive. San Francisco, for example, is Jià ¹ JÄ «n ShÄ n, which translates as â€Å"Old Gold Mountain,† reminding us of the California gold rush. Most Mandarin Chinese geographical names sound strange to Western ears. This is because there is usually not an exact phonetic equivalent to the sounds of the English names. North American Cities Click on the links to hear the audio. English Name Chinese Characters Pinyin New York ç ´ Ã§ ´â€ž niÇ” yuÄ“ Boston æ ³ ¢Ã¥ £ «Ã©  â€œ bÃ…  shà ¬ dà ¹n Montreal è’™ç‰ ¹Ã¥ ©  mà ©ng tà ¨ là ³u Vancouver æ º «Ã¥â€œ ¥Ã¨  ¯ wÄ“n gÄ“ hu Toronto Ã¥ ¤Å¡Ã¥â‚¬ «Ã¥ ¤Å¡ duÃ…  là ºn duÃ…  Los Angeles æ ´â€ºÃ¦ â€°Ã§ £ ¯ luà ² shÄ n jÄ « San Francisco 舊金å ± ± jià ¹ jÄ «n shÄ n Chicago èŠ Ã¥Å   Ã¥â€œ ¥ zhÄ « jiÄ  gÄ“ Seattle è ¥ ¿Ã©â€ºâ€¦Ã¥Å"â€" xÄ « yÇŽ tà º Miami é‚ Ã©Ëœ ¿Ã¥ ¯â€  mi Ä  mà ¬ Houston ä ¼â€˜Ã¦â€" ¯Ã©  â€œ xiÃ… « sÄ « dà ¹n Portland æ ³ ¢Ã§â€° ¹Ã¨Ëœ ­ bÃ…  tà ¨ ln Washington è  ¯Ã§â€ºâ€ºÃ©  â€œ hu shà ¨ng dà ¹n New Orleans ç ´ Ã¥ ¥ §Ã¨â€° ¯ niÇ” o ling Philadelphia è ² »Ã¥Å¸Å½ fà ¨i chà ©ng Detroit Ã¥ ºâ€¢Ã§â€° ¹Ã¥ ¾â€¹ dÇ  tà ¨ lÇÅ" Dallas é â€Ã¦â€¹â€°Ã¦â€" ¯ d lÄ  sÄ « Atlanta ä ºÅ¾Ã§â€° ¹Ã¨Ëœ ­Ã¥ ¤ § y tà ¨ ln d San Diego è â€"Ã¥Å" °Ã§â€°â„¢Ã¥â€œ ¥ shà ¨ng dià © y gÄ“ Las Vegas 拉æâ€" ¯Ã§ ¶ ­Ã¥Å   Ã¦â€" ¯ lÄ  sÄ « wà ©i jiÄ  sÄ «

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Influence and role of trade unions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Influence and role of trade unions - Essay Example Many organizations long ago realized that it is more efficient to hire purposeful, responsible, and interested in their job people. Accordingly people, who get a job today, automatically receive all those privileges labour unions for had struggled for. As a matter of fact trade unions cannot find their place in the new system of labour relationship. In the course of time fundamental economic changes had happened in the country. The traditional heavy industry, a stronghold of trade unions, gradually becomes the thing of the past. According to Turner, "if unions can not hold their own and adapt to changing circumstances in the core industrial work force, the traditional bastion of labour strength, it is difficult to imagine that national prospects for unions elsewhere can be promising1". Labour unions also have not been taken in the extremely developing industry of high technologies, and have not been widely accepted in the services sphere. So we can agree with the statement of Robert Baldwin, who claims that one of the factors that contribute to weakling of trade unions is "unskilled labour-displacing nature of new technology, including outsourcing2". Notwithstanding it is wrong to say, that trade unions are doomed. One can hardly find an example of a democratic society, which does not have trade unions in its structure. British trade unions now are trying to take their own place in the new national economy.The role of state in labour market The role of the state in regulation of relations on a labour market increased in the post-war history of the Great Britain. Leading political forces send to the consent that the chronic unemployment in the country in 1930th years, intensity between the labour and the capital, and the general social instability should be eliminated by means of mixed economy and the Welfare state. As a result of such turn in consciousness of British establishment the labour governments and later conservative governments began to pursue a policy of Keynesianism and social-democratic etatism. There has come a new phase in relations between authority and working-class movement when the last one has been recognized, on a par with business, the necessary participant of formation of social and economic policy of the British state. Influence and role of trade unionsTrade unions have turned to one of the most active public organizations rendering great influence on actions of parties in power. Having got such legitimacy in regulation of relations on a labour market, the British working-class movement became an integral part of the post-war device of the state. The ruling class has recognized it as the necessary partner in business of maintenance of social stability. The organized labour has appeared both object, and the subject in mutual relations with the state. As an object it is the inseparable part of a society necessary for the sanction of conflicts arising in it. As a subject it is the defender of interests of working class, which quite often conflicted to aspirations of capitalism.In 1950-1960 years, when the country experienced the economic boom, trade unions have played a visible constructive role in processes of regulation of social development, socialization of citizens of the country, adjustment of manufacture-consumption cycle, and the society's

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Small and medium enterprises and the effectiveness of technology Essay

Small and medium enterprises and the effectiveness of technology business incubators in Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The combination of all these forces has set the pace for the progress in global economy and defined the way firms have to operate at the global level. What is also important to note that the combination of these forces has actually resulted into economic progress, equality, democratization, equality in income distribution as well as a renewed focus on knowledge growth? Technology specially has made knowledge based progress an important element of new era where only those can survive who have access to knowledge and who can basically innovate and generate new knowledge. The flourishing of technology has been made possible due to an enormous increase in the computing power coupled with the reduced communication costs which has allowed technology to actually flourish and dominate the current market place. (Phillips, 2002) It has been argued that the technology business incubators are the necessary equipments in order to achieve progress through technology led knowledge base enterprises. Different studies clearly outlines that the use of technology business incubators not only allow the firms to gain access to the technology but also improve their chances of survival thus making them stronger enough to better manage risk and uncertainty. Rice (1995) outlined that the basic purpose of business incubators is to help support the process of creation of new business ventures. This focus therefore categorically suggest that the role of business incubators is only limited to the providing of necessary support to the new ventures to become self sustaining and develop enough to manage risk effortlessly. (Rice, 1995) The basic nature of a business incubator is to provide the shared support, training,... According to the research findings business incubators are formed to provide support and resources to the new start up businesses in order to upgrade their ability to survive. Numerous studies have suggested that when new start up firms is passed through incubators, their chances for survival increase. Technology business incubators are focused on providing support for the technology oriented start up businesses to provide them necessary support. Studies have suggested the role of different stakeholders in formation, development and running of business incubators. Further, studies have also been mentioned which focused on different criteria which are used by business incubators to select the firms for support and development. Developing countries face different factors and environment under which they have to develop their technology business incubators. Developing countries like Saudi Arabia therefore will have to improve their human resource base as well as upgrade the resource lev el of its universities to make them equipped enough to provide support. Further, the need for appointing appropriate management to run incubators has also been discussed. This has been discussed with special reference to developing countries and how they can actually visualize different factors which may be considered as necessary to ensure that SMEs are duly supported by technology business incubators. The failure to properly integrate such factors into policy response may not result into desired results of social change and economic progress for developing countries.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Juvenile justice system Essay Example for Free

Juvenile justice system Essay Juvenile justice cases are closely watched and highly confidential. There are various steps involved in juvenile justice system When the Juvenile probation department takes over the case, the intake officer will analyze the case then decides whether to terminate it or have it heard in a court of law or handle it informally if need be. As the juvenile awaits trial he or she may be confined in protected custodial facility. The judge will determine if the juvenile would be in custody throughout the hearing or not based on the crime committed. Over 60% of the juvenile cases are heard informally and most of them are dismissed. This happens when the juvenile pleads guilty and ready to undertake the court requirements usually arrayed in a â€Å"consent decree†. The requirements vary from compensation to paying for damages or compulsory curfews. Rehabilitation would be another option incase of drugs and alcohol abuse. Once all parties in question agree to the consented decree the juvenile will be set free on probation pending fulfillment of the commitment failure to which the juvenile will be subjected to a formal hearing in a juvenile or criminal court depending on the crime. If your son has been arrested by the law enforcer, the mistake committed is ascertained to determine if the youth should be held in custody and charged or be released or could be transferred to a different youth program based on the matter in question. The decision is made based on the current crime committed or previous crime records if any. The juvenile could be held in adult prison as the authorities try to consult the parents and make transfer arrangements. In the adult prisons the Juveniles are isolated from the adults and are required to be move from this adult prison within six hours from arrest.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Cherokee Indians Essay examples -- History Indians Native Americans Es

Cherokee Indians The Cherokee Indians were one of the civilized tribes in the United States. They were located in the southeastern part of the U.S. This includes the western parts of North and South Carolina, The northern parts of Alabama and Georgia, Southwest Virginia and the Cumberland basin of Tennessee. It appears the Cherokee settled in 1000 A.D. to 1500 A.D. Their development took place in two stages or phases. The Pisgah which took place 1300 A.D. to 1540 A.D. and the Qualla which took place 1540 A.D. to 1750 A.D. The first period was primitive and the second was influenced by European contact. They were a large tribe that was part of the Iroquian language group even though their language is very different. Despite this the Cherokee developed written language due to contact with the white men. They were very interested in learning the white men ways. Although there is a lot written about the Cherokee and Europeans, the focus here will be Cherokee life including daily life, marriage, governme nt, and war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cherokee villages consisted of groups of relatives that included members of at least four clans. They grew crops outside their villages. There were also some fields inside the villages. Each family had a marked section of the field. Both men and women helped in farming every section. As with many tribes the men were responsible for hunting, fishing, building houses and council lodges, made important decisions, performed religious ceremonies, trained young boys and defended the village. The Cherokee women were responsible for the home, raising the children, helping in the fields, preparing and gathering food, washing and making clothes, and making baskets and pottery. Even though The Cherokee were a matrilineal society only certain women were allowed to have input in council decisions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Cherokee had many rules and regulations to live by and since they have a strong sense of tradition these rules were not challenged until they came into contact with the European. An example would be women were not allowed to marry until they had their first menstruation. During a young woman’s menstruation she is separated from her family and taken to a special place outside of the village where she stays for seven days. No one is allowed to touch her because she is believed to be unclean. Even she can not touch her own food therefore another w... ...g the warriors not to be afraid for God would help them if they trusted him. A priest would pray and the war party would set out. After returning home from battle, the warriors stayed at their own village council houses for twenty-four days. During this time they went under intense purification rituals before returning to their families. Being given a new name honored warriors, who fought well in battle. The new name usually gave them new status in the village.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cherokee life is full of traditions that helped the tribe survive as long as it has. Even though they have been separated, the Cherokee still have a strong sense of being. There is so much more to learn about the Cherokee Indians and their cultures that it will be a while before it is all revealed. Bibliography Mails, Thomas E. 1992 â€Å" The Cherokee People† Marlowe and company Mooney, James 1891 â€Å" Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees Starkey, Marion 1946 â€Å"The Cherokee Nation†, New York Steele, Phillip 1974 â€Å"The last Cherokee Warriors† Pelican publishing company Wilkins, Thurma 1970 â€Å"Cherokee Tragedy† London, The Macmillan Company Woodward, Grace Steele 1963 â€Å" The Cherokees, University of Oklahoma press. Cherokee Indians Essay examples -- History Indians Native Americans Es Cherokee Indians The Cherokee Indians were one of the civilized tribes in the United States. They were located in the southeastern part of the U.S. This includes the western parts of North and South Carolina, The northern parts of Alabama and Georgia, Southwest Virginia and the Cumberland basin of Tennessee. It appears the Cherokee settled in 1000 A.D. to 1500 A.D. Their development took place in two stages or phases. The Pisgah which took place 1300 A.D. to 1540 A.D. and the Qualla which took place 1540 A.D. to 1750 A.D. The first period was primitive and the second was influenced by European contact. They were a large tribe that was part of the Iroquian language group even though their language is very different. Despite this the Cherokee developed written language due to contact with the white men. They were very interested in learning the white men ways. Although there is a lot written about the Cherokee and Europeans, the focus here will be Cherokee life including daily life, marriage, governme nt, and war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cherokee villages consisted of groups of relatives that included members of at least four clans. They grew crops outside their villages. There were also some fields inside the villages. Each family had a marked section of the field. Both men and women helped in farming every section. As with many tribes the men were responsible for hunting, fishing, building houses and council lodges, made important decisions, performed religious ceremonies, trained young boys and defended the village. The Cherokee women were responsible for the home, raising the children, helping in the fields, preparing and gathering food, washing and making clothes, and making baskets and pottery. Even though The Cherokee were a matrilineal society only certain women were allowed to have input in council decisions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Cherokee had many rules and regulations to live by and since they have a strong sense of tradition these rules were not challenged until they came into contact with the European. An example would be women were not allowed to marry until they had their first menstruation. During a young woman’s menstruation she is separated from her family and taken to a special place outside of the village where she stays for seven days. No one is allowed to touch her because she is believed to be unclean. Even she can not touch her own food therefore another w... ...g the warriors not to be afraid for God would help them if they trusted him. A priest would pray and the war party would set out. After returning home from battle, the warriors stayed at their own village council houses for twenty-four days. During this time they went under intense purification rituals before returning to their families. Being given a new name honored warriors, who fought well in battle. The new name usually gave them new status in the village.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cherokee life is full of traditions that helped the tribe survive as long as it has. Even though they have been separated, the Cherokee still have a strong sense of being. There is so much more to learn about the Cherokee Indians and their cultures that it will be a while before it is all revealed. Bibliography Mails, Thomas E. 1992 â€Å" The Cherokee People† Marlowe and company Mooney, James 1891 â€Å" Sacred Formulas of the Cherokees Starkey, Marion 1946 â€Å"The Cherokee Nation†, New York Steele, Phillip 1974 â€Å"The last Cherokee Warriors† Pelican publishing company Wilkins, Thurma 1970 â€Å"Cherokee Tragedy† London, The Macmillan Company Woodward, Grace Steele 1963 â€Å" The Cherokees, University of Oklahoma press.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Feasibility Study Sample Food Cart

FEASIBILITY STUDY CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This feasibility study aims to rationalize information of a proposed business in order to provide a clear rationale of basic factors in marketing which includes the strength and weakness in a venture and the opportunity and threat that is presented by the environment. Background of the Study Food is the primary necessity in the world. It is usually of plant and animal in origin which is consist and contains essential nutrients ingested and assimilated by an organism to produce energy, stimulate growth, and maintain life such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. Historically, food is secured through hunting and agriculture like farming and animal raising. By that time, food is not yet a trend in the worlds industries. Nowadays, food industry supplies the world populations consumed food energy. The industry is supported by intensive farming and industrial agriculture to continually supply the global demand for food. The emergence of food production industry has been a large break for companies and entrepreneurs to grab the opportunity of global need of food. Such businesses like restaurant and food production, manufacturing, and processing has arise. These businesses did establish a development in every product in order to give the consumers a better product. These matters now triggered the public to establish standards in buying and purchasing food products. Then quality in food now gives the challenge to the business to essentially sustain the stability of sales in the market. In the Philippines, the Department of Food and Drugs is the agency that monitors, examines and studies the quality and standards of food and drugs as a part of protecting the public’s health and safety in consuming food products. Because of the rapid growth in the field of food business, from single product, marketing experts has come up with the idea of food product variations in order for them to withstand the competition. Variations come into different approaches in catching the attention of the consumers. Flavor is one variation that happens to be so much effective. Included in the variations in flavor is the taste of the consumers, like in the Philippines where there are a lot of tourist visits the country, the need for different kinds of cuisines is in demand. Example of which are the traditional foods in different countries like European, American, and the famous Asian cuisines such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Malaysian. Another is the target age as a variation of products. The tough competition has given the marketing experts to look for other ways to reach and attract people. They come up with the idea of advertisement. They advertised their products through televisions, radios, flyers, billboards, and even in the internet and many more which uses icons like popular television personalities, famous sports individual or team, and even the owners themselves. This marketing strategy has affected the market effectively not only in the country but internationally. Because of the progress in the food industry which only the companies have acquired to offer, they have the majority control of the price of retail. This is why the government has established another agency except from the BFAR (Bureau of Food and Drugs). The DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) is the agency that monitors the prices of the products to maintain fairness in between the buyers and the manufacturers or dealers. They avoid products from being overpriced. The small scale businesses and entrepreneurs found an opportunity in the food industry through purchasing and producing their own food products. This has been rapidly grown, where there were so much of pioneers in a certain product concepts in order for their business to be uniquely different from the others. The opportunity and trend in the industry has given the idea to the proponents to serve the consumers a new food product that will catch the public’s taste preferences from trying this kind of bread. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of Roll&Wrap Bread House, foods in Calasiao to provide a distinctive way in serving a delicacy of differently unique style in affordable yet quality food product from a different line. CHAPTER II PROJECT SUMMARY This part of the study introduce about the features of the proposed business. Including the history, goals and aims, description of the project, feasibility criteria, mission and vision statements and particularly the basic outcome of studying the business proposed. Name of the Enterprise In business world, one of the most relevant things that business should have is the business name. It has the greatest influence on the amount of business it will attract. Roll&Wrap Bread House will be the name for the approaching business. As the name bring about, â€Å"Roll† means to say that it is a piece of bread that is rounded and usually a small size. Besides, â€Å"Wrap† means to fold as cover as roll does. Considering the name, Roll and Wrap was formed which really fits to the business enterprise as it produce and market different varieties of roll and wrap bread. Roll&Wrap Bread House is easy to put in mind. The name itself was referred what the business is all about. This will help the consumers get to know further about what the business is trading. This business logo shows the rolled bread with a bread roller to really expose what the business brings about. The images itself with its matching color are for the combination of simplicity and attractive logo. Description of the Project Roll&Wrap Bread House is a bread enterprise where all customers are very much welcome to buy an extraordinary tasty bread with different varieties of fillings. This business will provide good quality of raw materials that combine performance and valued prices that are distinct from other competing products. The product will be categorized by its different bread fillings and distinct sizes such as bite size. In this case, bread shop is valuable and necessity for those people who loves to eat bread and this considered as side dish. This business will be able to give the best bread filling too, that might people love most including the common fillings. This business provides the affordability of the product for the consumer from the exclusive to ordinary people. This business will put up into the particular place and in a crowded area to make sure of making more consumers. The project will be advocate by those people who are intentionally and get to use to know about the situation from the consumers who are tight in budget. The business will manufacture breads that have particular different kind of tasty bread fillings and adorable appearance. Mission Statement Roll&Wrap Bread House should continuously manufacture this kind of business enterprise to be able to become one of the popular bread stores in industry by accommodating to its competitive environment. This could be occurring by indicating its mission statement. Roll&Wrap Bread House mission is to produce delicious bread products, to accomplish the good service and meet the exact expectation price of the consumers and by innovating the other features of the said product. Vision Statement Roll&Wrap Bread House is looking forward to be more popular in the fields of this business as the future comes constantly. Roll&Wrap Bread House envisions itself to be most prominent bread shop in the country and to give rise for new ideas to adapt in today’s changing world. Goals and Objectives The business goals and objectives are as follows: †¢ To provide a distinctive way in serving a delicacy of differently unique style and flavor of the product. †¢ To promote a profitable enterprise that meets the customers needs. Long-range Objectives †¢ To spread the business all over the country. †¢ To gain 50% loyalty of consumers in a month. †¢ To increase the company's market share. †¢ To rise the profits in a year. Feasibility Criteria Roll Bread House is a bread house that support to the responsibility of having a good taste on the people most especially for those who like very much to eat bread. One of the aims of this project is to promote a nourishing bread snack but also good services for those people that would like to buy the said product. When it comes to choosing project it is important to know how much it takes and whether it is marketable in the marketplace. Furthermore, this business will establish not only to find more profits and earn more money but also to give distinct service especially to the product that may contain good and healthy ingredients that could benefits to the consumers. Form of Ownership The proposed business will be managed by owner who has the ability and knowledge in business world in collaborative operation and can handle any problem. This will be relevant in organizing a business to get the ideal outcome of the enterprise for the consumers. Location The proposed business enterprise will be established in Poblacion East, right at the town of Calasiao in front of the Calasiao Central School. Brief History of the Project This project was started to a collaborative mind-set of each member of the group wherein the bread was selected to be the main factor until it come up to Roll Bread House. The proponents taught that this would be better to sell, on a specific place including urban places or in the City because of its affordable prices and good taste. Project Timetable Status As the business established from the very first time in industry, this may become popular and introduce to all consumers. Therefore, when time is getting longer as it started, the project expected to be more prominent in industry and to continuously give the best products for the customer wants. Furthermore, the project will be able to make innovations at certain time. Nature of the Industry Roll Bread House is a fine and pleasant business. The good one is that this business will continue to grow and succeed when the target aims are reached. The possible problem in business world is that competitors are being existed as common. So far, nothing to worry about when competition is present when the business has the potential to raise more than the expected goals. The business can be easily managed as it requires economically resources. Primarily, this kind of business even it gradually exists in industry, the most important is that it makes consumer attract instantly. Mode of Financing and Investment Cost The mode of financing is clearly come from the partnership of Aurora, Uson and Casem due to their patient in saving money for the project. The business is just simple but not that pretentious one. The estimated cost of the total business is ____. Funds will be allocated as follows: food kart P15,000. 00 Total price of the equipments P150,000. 00 MaintenanceP18,000 Store renovationP10,000 Raw MaterialsP20,000 Total

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Housing Allowance – Business Ethics

THE HOUSING ALLOWANCE Wilson Mutambara grew up in the slums of Rambia and through hard work and talent he was given the opportunity to study and receive his MBA in the united states. After three years of working at a cellular telephone service company, NewComm, he received the opportunity to go back to Rambia when NewComm decided to expand. All the employees at the NewComm offices in Rambia were set to receive $2,000 monthly for housing needs to insure that its employees live in a safe and convenient area and that their living arrangements are complimentary to the company image.One of the employees, Dale Garman, found out that Wilson was falsifying his monthly housing expenses and was in fact living in his old neighborhood, which couldn't possibly cost more than $300. The house that Wilson was living in was not up to the company standards and it looked as if he was sharing it with quite a few people. Dale notified Wilson's supervisor Barbara Weston of his living situation and Barbara confronted Wilson. Wilson admitted to the falsified invoices and pleaded to Barbara that there is quite a bit expected of him as a Rambian from the slums.He provides for his family and pays for his nieces' and nephews' educational expenses from that money. He also felt that if he lived in an expensive area like his colleagues, his family would judge his actions and think of him as selfish. Although Wilson had good intentions in falsifying his claims, he did not use the allowance as NewComm intended for him to do and more importantly falsified his invoices. Now Barbara faces a tough decision of deciding how to appropriately handle this situation in an ethical way. At the personal level of analysis, Wilson is the primary stakeholder.He looked at the situation at the beginning and assumed that it was fair for him to receive equal compensation for housing even though he chose to live below his means. He was helping his relatives and was unable to see that the fraud he was committing co uld have dire consequences. At the corporate level of analysis is NewComm, its’ management and employees in Rambia. The company, NewComm, is a very significant stakeholder since it is providing the money to Wilson and expecting that the obligations they allocate to their employees are met without protest.NewComm can also garner trouble from authorities or the IRS if they are reporting the housing allowance under benefits, and Wilson’s imprudence comes out as fraud and the government might also think NewComm is involved. The societal stakeholders in this case are Wilson’s relatives and the Rambian community who perceives Wilson as their hero for achieving success in America. After Barbara confronted Wilson about his indiscretion and he explained his reasoning behind it, she has to decide how to handle this appropriately. Barbara is obligated to handle this by taking NewComm’s best interest into consideration.It is imperative that she consider the harm Wils on’s decision could have caused NewComm since he used the money dishonestly and intentionally misrepresented his false housing, and now Barbara has to decide if Wilson should face disciplinary action, or even termination. However, Barbara needs to show empathy toward Wilson and consider the reasons why he felt obligated to defraud NewComm. Wilson felt that this money was being put to better use since he was helping more people with it instead of spending it to portray a better image of NewComm by living an extravagant lifestyle.From my perspective, the three alternatives for Barbara in this case are: i. For Barbara to give a probationary period to Wilson to correct his actions and find proper housing in keeping with NewComm’s image. He can move out of Old Town and into the â€Å"safer† neighborhood where the rest of his colleagues are residing. Although this is very unfair, he can also receive a pay cut to reimburse NewComm for the money he wrongfully took from the housing allowance allocation. ii.Since Barbara is the supervisor, she is allowed to change the company rules and can make a change in the housing allowance under special circumstances. She could add a provision in the housing allowance for employees to get approval to live in any neighborhood they choose to. Compared to the money that other employees in Rambia are receiving for housing, it would be unfair to pay Wilson less if he is choosing to live near his loved ones and helping his relatives. iii. The final alternative is for Barbara to terminate Wilson’s employment with NewComm.Philosopher Immanuel Kant considered moral rules categorical imperatives, meaning that they are absolute and unqualified commands for everyone, in every walk of life, without exception, not even for stressed professionals. Kant pursued moral principles that do not rest on likelihoods and that define actions as fundamentally right or wrong apart from any particular circumstances. A Kantian appro ach, which considers duty, fairness and rights, would force Barbara to terminate Wilson’s employment with NewComm, even though it would be unfair.It teaches a lesson to other employees to follow proper policies and procedures when it comes to contractual relationships with employers. Wilson did lie and defraud NewComm and for that Barbara can privately sit him down and explain all the reasons why he is being dismissed. For Kant the source of moral justification is the categorical imperative. In order for an act to be categorically imperative, it must be thought to be good in itself and in conformity to reason. Overall, Kant says what you care about simply doesn’t matter.Your duty is your duty, and you must do it whether or not you want to or not. Nothing exempts a moral agent from the demands of moral duty. The dilemma that is faced by Barbara can be solved with proper thought given to Utilitarian principles. Most of the utilitarian philosophers would want her to do th e â€Å"right† thing which would harm the least amount of people since utilitarianism takes into account everyone affected by the action, instead of self-interest only. Aristotle’s four virtues would want to ask about the moral standing of the people engaged in this case.The four virtues are prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. Prudence, the cardinal virtue, would require Barbara to exercise sound judgment or apply practical wisdom. Prudence is an ethical excellence of heart and mind, displayed in an eagerness to seek and an ability to find the â€Å"just right† course of action, attaining the best outcome possible in the light of present circumstances. Another very applicable virtue is fortitude which ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in doing the good. Fortitude is sometimes called strength or courage.Justice is another very important virtue; And Barbara could choose to be fair to Wilson and keep him with the company is he corrects his act ions, or better yet have the housing allowance rules changed so that every employee has the right to choose where they want to live. If Barbara were to follow Aristotle’s virtues, then she would think of the greater good and act with prudence, justice and fortitude. Aristotle would advise for Barbara to give a probationary period to Wilson to correct his actions and find proper housing in keeping with NewComm’s image.He can move out of Old Town and into the â€Å"safer† neighborhood where the rest of his colleagues are residing. In this case, Rawl’s theory of original position can also be used. Rawls proposes a set of Principles of Justice to be established through a thought-experiment, a kind of modern replacement for the philosophical state of nature. Basically, Rawls lets us imagine a situation where people are unaware of their own characteristics which may make given principles advantageous or disadvantageous to themselves.Through the veil of ignoranc e, people may then agree upon principles of justice independently of personal interests, meaning impartially and rationally. Those collectively decided principles should thus be socially fair. If Barbara is advised by Rawls, she can then look through the veil of ignorance to make this decision; it would most likely come out to that she terminate Wilson’s employment from NewComm. With the veil of ignorance she would have to look past Wilson helping his relatives and only look at the sham that Wilson committed.Personal knowledge of Wilson helping his relatives might tempt Barbara to select principles of justice that gave Wilson unfair advantage. Rawls claims that rational people will consistently adopt his principles of justice if their reasoning is based on general considerations, without knowing anything about their own personal situation. If Barbara is considering personal benefit over the greater good or the right thing to do then she might not be able to come to a clean an d honest conclusion.There are numerous practical constraints faced by Barbara in this situation. Barbara would have the live with whichever decision she makes regarding Wilson, if she chooses to fire him, she would have to live with the detestations from her inner self because Wilson’s relatives had gotten used to him providing for them and he was the bread winner for a lot of people. Now those people could be going hungry just because Barbara could not make changes to the policy and let Wilson work for NewComm.If Barbara were to let Wilson stay with company, the rest of the employees would think it is okay for them to also break company policy since the falsification by Wilson was taken too lightly. The action that should be taken by Barbara is to be fair to Wilson since he was trying to be a bigger person by helping his relatives and to payback his share to society. Barbara can be fair by amending the housing allowance and allowing for all the employees to receive the same $2,000 housing allowance for wherever they choose to reside. Barbara can show empathy toward Wilson nd consider the reasons why he felt obligated to defraud NewComm. Wilson felt that this money was being put to better use since he was helping more people with it instead of spending it to portray a better image of NewComm by living an extravagant lifestyle. Although, Wilson should also receive some sort of a reprimand for breaching the company policy and deceitfully misrepresenting his housing invoices. This decision is based on the four virtues of Aristotle and also the Utilitarian theory so she can help Wilson to help his relatives lead a better life. Read also: Disadvantages of Ethics in the Workplace

Friday, November 8, 2019

Can You Jump Start Mother Natu essays

Can You Jump Start Mother Natu essays I did this experiment because I wanted to know if you could make a seed sprout faster if you soaked it in something before you started watering it. I think the seed soaked in the sugar water will sprout faster because sugar gives you energy and energy makes you work faster. If the bean is working faster to sprout, it should break down the outer shell faster and sprout. First, my Mom bought the bean seeds. Next, I soaked five seeds in different solutions: lemon juice, cloroxdiluted 4 water to 1 clorox, saliva, water, and sugar water. I soaked each one for 12 hours. I than placed them on a cookie sheet lined with a wet paper towel and put another wet paper towel on top of them. I put the cookie sheet in front of the window. I watered the seeds every morning before I went to school. I did this for 10 days and wrote down what happened. The bean soaked in the saliva sprouted in 6 days, the bean soaked in the water sprouted in 7 days and the bean soaked in the sugar water sprouted in 8 days. The bean soaked in the lemon juice did not sprout in the 10 days but I think it will sprout. The clorox bean died, it turned white and started to fall apart. (See attached graph). My hypothesis failed, but you can jump start mother nature. I think the bean soaked in the saliva sprouted faster because saliva breaks down your food so it can be digested. My conclusion is that the saliva broke down the outer shell of the bean so it sprouted faster. Granados, Lynn My mom helped me with my project. She helped me do the graph and the typing for my report. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

All About Carbon Fiber and How Its Made

All About Carbon Fiber and How It's Made Also called graphite fiber or carbon graphite, carbon fiber consists of very thin strands of the element carbon. Carbon fibers have high tensile strength and are very strong for their size. In fact, carbon fiber might be the strongest material there is. Each fiber is 5-10 microns in diameter. To give a sense of how small that is, one micron (um) is 0.000039 inches. One strand of spider web silk is usually between 3-8 microns. Carbon fibers are twice as stiff as steel and five times as strong as steel, (per unit of weight). They also are highly chemically resistant and have high-temperature tolerance with low thermal expansion. Carbon fibers are important in engineering materials, aerospace, high-performance vehicles, sporting equipment, and musical instrumentsto name just a few of their uses. Raw Materials Carbon fiber is made from organic polymers, which consist of long strings of molecules held together by carbon atoms.  Most carbon fibers (about 90 percent) are made from the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) process. A small amount (about 10 percent) are manufactured from rayon or the petroleum pitch process.  Gases, liquids, and other materials used in the manufacturing process create specific effects, qualities, and grades of carbon fiber. The highest grade carbon fiber with the best modulus properties are used in demanding applications such as aerospace. Carbon fiber manufacturers differ from one another in the combinations of raw materials they use. They usually treat their specific formulations as trade secrets. Manufacturing Process In the manufacturing process, the raw materials, which are called precursors, are drawn into long strands or fibers. The fibers are woven into fabric or combined with other materials that are filament wound or molded into desired shapes and sizes. There are typically five segments in the manufacturing of carbon fibers from the PAN process. These are: Spinning. PAN mixed with other ingredients and spun into fibers, which are washed and stretched.Stabilizing. Chemical alteration to stabilize bonding.Carbonizing. Stabilized fibers heated to very high temperature forming tightly bonded carbon crystals.Treating the Surface. ​The surface of fibers oxidized to improve bonding properties.Sizing. Fibers are coated and wound onto bobbins, which are loaded onto spinning machines that twist the fibers into different size yarns. Instead of being woven into fabrics, fibers may be formed into composites. To form composite materials, heat, pressure, or a vacuum binds fibers together with a plastic polymer. Manufacturing Challenges The manufacture of carbon fibers carries a number of challenges, including: The need for more cost-effective recovery and repair.The surface treatment process must be carefully regulated to avoid creating pits that could result in defective fibers.Close control required to ensure consistent quality.Health and safety issuesSkin irritationBreathing irritationArcing and shorts in electrical equipment because of the strong electro-conductivity of carbon fibers. Future of Carbon Fiber Because of its high tensile strength and lightweight, many consider carbon fiber to be the most significant manufacturing material of our generation. Carbon fiber may play an increasingly important role in areas such as: Energy: Windmill blades, natural gas storage, and transportation, fuel cells.Automobiles: Currently used just for high-performance vehicles, carbon fiber technology is moving into wider use.  In December 2011 General Motors announced that it is working on carbon fiber composites for mass production of automobiles.Construction: Lightweight pre-cast concrete, earthquake protection.Aircraft: Defense and commercial aircraft.  Unmanned aerial vehicles.Oil exploration: Deepwater drilling platforms, drill pipes.Carbon nanotubes: Semiconductor materials, spacecraft, chemical sensors, and other uses. In 2015, carbon fiber had a $2.25 billion market size. Projections have the market expanding to $31 billion by 2024. To accomplish this, costs must be reduced and new applications targeted.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Marketing strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing strategies - Essay Example For marketing strategies to be effectively implemented there must be marketing objectives. These objectives shape the perception and approach to the market. The objectives are generated in regards to the requirements and goals set by the management team. Kotler & Armstrong points out that marketing objectives are set as goals that an organization tends to achieve in terms of acquiring a greater competitive advantage over other organizations (65). Marketing objectives are also used as measurement tools of the effectiveness of the strategies applied in the market. If a marketing strategy satisfies all the requirements stipulated in the objectives, it is allowed a greater lifeline in an organization. Additionally, marketing objectives dictate the mode in which promotional activities will be integrated. Promotional activities are activities that are used in the marketing of an organization’s goods and services. In referring to the definition by Kotler & Armstrong promotional activ ities are forms and ways of marketing implemented by organizations (112). Promotional activities include personal selling, exhibitions, media marketing, corporate image, public relations and sales promotion. Depending on the organizational culture and marketing objectives, an organization selects the forms of promotional activities to be implemented in the organizational system. ... In such an organization, the first objective would be to create a corporate image for the facility. This can be done by providing special services and offers upon interest on the facility. The organization may also a marketing objective of reaching out to corporate bodies. To realize this objective the most proper promotional activity to be implemented would be personal selling. By personal selling the relationship between the interested parties and the organization is more personalized (Kotler & Armstrong 89). In a sporting facility a good public relation with the communities is a compulsory objective. In this case, the organization may opt to implement Corporate Social responsibility as a promotional activity and tool. This entails organizing communal activities and funding community projects (Kotler & Armstrong 64). From the analysis one could easily argue that the objectives set by an organization in terms of acquiring a greater market support significantly dictates the type of t he promotional activities used by an organization. The integration of promotional activities is done by an analysis of the opportunities that the market presents to an organization. For instance, if an organization aims to capture the attention of a specific market population for example the young people: the advertising promotional activity would be integrated in a way that social sites and trendy magazines are effectively exhausted (Kotler & Armstrong 77). What is the importance of the three extra elements of the service mix to you as the customer? According to Kotler & Armstrong it is human nature for a consumer to be selective in the way they chose to relate to an organization (154). This relationship is a great determinant of the consumer’s allegiance to an

Friday, November 1, 2019

Financing new ventures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Financing new ventures - Assignment Example This product solution allowed large scale manufacturers of state-of-the-art very large scale integrated circuit (VLSI) manufacturers to monitor, test, and validate the mechanical and structural integrity of their production as part of essential manufacturing quality control procedures. Maintaining a leadership position in the ATE industry was management's main strategic vision. As a company, STC's primary mission and goal of management was to grow and be known as the global leader in designing innovative new testing technologies and providing integrated quality management systems for electronic equipment and components manufacturers (Missionstatements, 2013). As a direct consequence of their objectives the company required to invest heavily in research and development in order to stay ahead of the competition (Nash-Hoff, 2011). As an internal strategy and in order to remain financially feasible and minimize the impact of research and development costs in the company's bottom line, ST C aimed to spread their large R&D expenses across a large amount of sales by pursuing participation in most major segments of the industry and market their products and services globally throughout Europe, North America and Asia. As an industry during the period of 1975-1984 the ATE's and computer related technologies were going to a period of constant flux and dramatic shifts in available technologies. The advent of the new technological breakthroughs exponentially expanded the consumer and industrial electronics market, from personal computers to household electronic equipment such as cordless telephones and microprocessor based home appliances to automated teller machines, mainframe computers, and industrial automation equipment (Wordinfo). At the time just like in today's computer market new technological breakthroughs such as the introduction of a new computer chip can change the course of the whole industry and make previous silicone chip products practicably obsolete almost o vernight. The traditional product development life cycle of design, building a prototype, redesigning and making a new prototype had become obsolete due to time constraints and the fact that computer chips had become too complex and prohibitively expensive to follow the old industrial design model (Ulrich, Eppinger). The rapid and evolving nature of the industry meant that in order to stay competitive and deliver innovative products that the consumer wanted the firm relied heavily on speed to bring products from initial design to market readiness. The process involved having reliable testing processes and costs considerations that were always paramount in the viability of any new product introduction. High quality, reliable, and cost effective ATE solutions became an essential part of the industry in order for manufacturers to survive and remain competitive. Additionally, with the growth and advent of ever more complex semiconductor components manufacturers found it too complex and cost prohibitive to design and build their own testing equipment in-house. During the period of 1978 to 1984, the industrial ATE market grew at an average of 28% per year and sales increased from $359 million in 1978 to $1.6 billion by 1984. 2) During the period of 1980-1984 STC possessed the broadest testing product lines in the market and reaped the financial benefits in